Bakery, my front steps

Say no more.. easy Blip as I peered over the balcony today. I like Wednesdays as I start online at 4pm, not midday as Mon and Tues or 1pm on Thursday or 11am on Friday. I like the mornings to wake up without rushing and do planning etc. planning this term is easy as one of my subjects I teach to four different classes. But the time saving is more than offset by the volume of reviewing draft sections of their assignment... I’m also doing check ins with those who’ve submitted nothing yet or need so I’m tired today.

After the personal tutor session today which we do monthly I caught up with one of my students from last term, always nice to do. Then another wanted to chat. He’s fascinated by the whole teaching process, loves talking about ideas and feared he’d overstepped the mark with a fellow student in terms of telling her and others to just try, and don’t say you can’t.. she was from the same country.. he told me about his role in the police/army.. I’m not sure which. No time for indecision. Now he’s a carer and shared how he’s managed to really help his clients through his ability to listen, observe and understand. I finished more than 2 hours late but I love the conversations I have.

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