Windmill 'Nooit Gedagt', Woudrichem

'Nooit Gedagt' = 'Nooit Gedacht' = 'Never Thought' ... and I still wonder what they never thought.
'Woudrichem' = 'WOWdrichum', but in the local dialect simply 'WOORkum'.
There's a famous castle there, too, which I think I've posted twice already, a long time ago, so when the weather permits it, and it is open again, AW and I will visit again together.

AW left for Eindhoven today, after his visit to the physiotherapist, and will return tomorrow.  The sky was lovely, and so was the sunset, and the windmill was facing the sunset ... simply beautiful.  To get this shot, I had to climb over a (locked) steel fence with barbed wire on either side, and tread on the grassy dikes where only sheep are allowed.  I don't think anyone was really interested in finding out what in the name of the House of Orange I was doing there.

Not much colouring but quite a lot of MOOCking.  The EU Crisis and Recovery course should be done by tomorrow.  This is another way I get rid of stress, as you know, so that's fine.  Some housekeeping and I was done.  Lovely day altogether!

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