The fuchsia lives!

There is a lot of good news chez hazelh today:

- A robin visited our window bird feeder - the first bird that we have witnessed doing so.
- We (mainly my middle sister) have (has) tied up some loose ends around one of my late father's assets allowing us to announce that 'the deed is done'.
- It looks like the efforts that I have put into finding a way to reward my middle sister for all the work that she has devoted to settling our father's estate are beginning to bear fruit.
- I ran my old Saturday morning 7k+ route - a feat that I haven't managed in around 3 years.
- I gardened in the sunshine while Mr hazelh performed bike maintenance.
- I restocked soup supplies: 7 portions of beetroot; 7 of 'orange'.
- The fuchsia that I thought we had killed when we moved it in the summer is showing signs of regrowth (blipped).

I did lose at Carcassonne, however...

Exercise today: 7.2K run.

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