Look w/Open Eyes

By Zip28

Mail Boxes

When I was a teenager I went to boarding school and mail was a huge event in the day. We eagerly waited for the last class to end, hardly paying attention so anxious we were to run to our mail boxes to see what we got v

I remember the letter from Tom, a guy I just met but was madly in love with. I screamed when I saw the return address, and sunk to the floor clutching the letter. No kidding! I was quite the drama queen those days.

Now I live in a condo and even though there are metal boxes, not unlike the ones of my teens, my mail interest has waned. Too often there are bills or so much junk my recycle bag gets half full on one load. I can now wait a day or maybe two to get it. Maturity? I don't know, but sometimes I yearn for those days full of drama.

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