Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Sara's book

Do you remember that in October I told you that Sarah's first book was going to be published before Christmas? Here it is.

She called this morning to bring me the two copies I had ordered. The actual publication date is not until December 8th. I was very excited for her.

I'm hoping she will get good local publicity. It's not every day that your next door neighbour (up the hill, in the old chapel) publishes a book.

I love the story about Hector, the forest defender, and how he finds a way to protect the rare white stag who lives in the woods near his house.

It was bright and sunny. I enjoyed my walk around the block from here to Lincoln Hill, Chesters and back through the village.

Mum listened to Robert Macfarlane and Jackie Morris on Lost Spells, while I listened to Anthony Gormley and Martin Gayford on sculpture. (I went to sleep which was lovely. I'll hear the rest later on.)

The Hay Winter Festival has some good speakers this weekend. We both enjoyed Stephen Fry with Susie Dent, all about words.

In my attempt to find a palatable way to present eggs, I cooked a Gordon Ramsay recipe which was supposed to be a quick way to make a three cheese soufflé. It was more like a stodgy pudding, so I won't try that again. Tasted OK.

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