Castlefield Locks

Whilst it's very frustrating only being able to see my daughters one at a time, there is - as ever! - a silver lining, which is that it's lovely to spend some time with each of them, just one to one.

Izzy usually works abroad but has taken a contract for a few months that allows her to work from the UK. However, she's still on an international day such that her lunch break is from ten to eleven, so that's when we met to get a takeaway coffee from Mancoco, just off Deansgate, and to take a stroll around Castlefield Locks.

Actually, locks aren't much in evidence but it's a wonderful spot surrounded by old warehouses and the spurs off the canal that serviced them. It must have been something to see during its heyday. Certainly it was lovely to walk around today. I'd love to come back when the pubs are open!

Izzy was excellent company and lots of fun, but she had to get back to work and I needed to walk back to Salford for college so we risked a quick hug and went our separate ways. Hopefully the end of lockdown will mean I won't have to wait three weeks to see her again!

No scales
Reading: 'The Vanishing Half' by Brit Bennett
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