Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR


More fungi photos were taken today - but now they are definitely going off and were rather smelly too! I liked the way they have started curling up and I tried to photograph the light coming through that turned up section.

So last night we went to the theatre to see a first rate drama followed by dinner out with friends - oh wait, that was just a dream haha! In usual lockdown style, we stayed home and watched TV. We watched The Crown last night and I feel this current series is very cruel to all the members of the royal family, but in a way as it is so unbelievable you know it is fiction and not a true depiction of their lives. 

Gavin put up Christmas winter lights outside and it looks very nice, it's cheerful when the days are so short to see the pretty white lights.

I have been sorting through my recipe books and I have removed all the old ones that I no longer use as my tastes have changed or they no longer suit my dietary restrictions. I find that when I need a recipe for something I usually end up googling it as I can never find it amongst all the recipe books that I have. So now I will have fewer books and try to remember where certain recipes are! Luke was very happy to take the books I no longer wanted. 

Gavin and I had a wonderful 7km walk this morning on the same common where we walked yesterday. It is not one I usually walk in as I don't know it very well so it was good to explore it with him today. I am careful where I walk as dog thefts are such a problem around here at the moment. Due to lockdown and the puppy shortages, puppy prices have risen significantly - some unscrupulous breeders on the puppy websites are now selling Vizslas for £4000!! So of course the theft of dogs has increased, but the police are aware of it and are responding very quickly to any alerts from the public.

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