By lizzie_birkett

We went to Tesco this morning at opening time to get a tiny pot grown Christmas tree. It's the only place I can get one small enough for our little living room. I had one last year too and it is now planted in our towpath garden.
They always have nice trees at Tesco. When we lived in Morrinton (Scotland) we always got a bigger pot grown one from there and brought it indoors for Christmas 3 or 4 years running until it was too big then it was planted in the garden.
I think there are 3 of our Christmas trees planted in that garden.
I want to give the house a really good tidy up and clean once the quilts are finished (by Tuesday) then we'll decorate our little tree and put some lights and decorations up.

I've got plans for next week - make Stollen and mince pies,
do some artwork, knit and play ukulele!

His Dark Materials tonight but it's recording so I may watch tomorrow instead. I'm too tired to concentrate!

We were talking today about planning a lengthy boat trip next year - 2-3 months - we should have gone this year but obviously couldn't go. Hopefully 2021 will be better for us all!

Jim-jam time now.
Goodnight :-)

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