
Went up into the loft yesterday to bring my Christmas card box down. I like to make my own cards and have been totally uninspired this year. Sorted now and I have made my decision. I started making my own cards 8 years ago, and have made a rod for my own back,  so many of my friends say they always wait with anticipation as to what I'll come up with. Anyway, I remembered seeing these and thought they'd do for today's blip as events of the day took a turn for the worst.

Kiri gave us a fright on our walk this morning. She had another vestibular incident.  'Vestibular neuritis' is a condition that causes vertigo and dizziness.We were on our way home and she'd just jumped up for a tit bit for Ali walking past a dog without reacting. "Good girl" means a treat. The next minute she was staggering and collapsing in the road. Jeff went home to get the car while I stayed with her. At one point I thought she was dying. We took her to the Vets as this is the worst attack she's had. There's little they can do so I know to just wait till it passes, but today I felt she needed an anti nausea injection.

She's been sleeping all day, and we've just been with her. I can see a night on the sofa for me tonight. She's had some tinned dog food mixed with warm water as a gravy, so that's a positive.

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