
By DramaQueen

Find wall. Bang head.

Lockdown 2.0 - Day 26

It’s been one of those days.

Mr A was up and out bright and early, so I was left to fend for myself.

First job of the day was to chase up the district nurses, as they didn’t turn up on Friday. Apparently, my day for their visit is Monday. I’m not sure when that changed.
I stressed the need for a visit today as a couple of my pin sites are oozing; one quite a bit and I’m not sure if it’s threatening to become infected. It certainly burns like a mofo if I raise my leg!

Second task was to ring Occupational Therapy at Salford to get advice about the splint I’m meant to wear at night. I managed to speak to someone but they only dealt with hands, so said they would speak to the relevant people and someone would ‘call back later’. This didn’t happen.

Mid afternoon, I got a call from my district nurse team leader. She was extremely apologetic and said there’d been a miscommunication somewhere along the way and the dressings I had removed last week, should have been changed & not removed.
She explained that Salford had finally got back to them with their pin site care protocol and this was the opposite of what our local hospital trust had advised.
She went on to say that I should have been discharged with a care leaflet and also the necessary solution and dressings to look after things at home. Yet again, another nurse telling me I must complain about my shocking discharge from Salford.
She said a nurse would call to see me tonight. I don’t blame the nurses at all; it’s definitely not their fault as I know they’ve gone to great lengths to speak to someone at Salford.

My blip for today is a gif that my Dad sent me when I told him the drama. He messages me every morning to see how I am and I’ve been howling at some of the gifs he puts at the end of each message :-D

DQ x

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