Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Journey to the East ...

... of Woking. First UK mosque ever actually, such a first that they named the street Oriental Road, then promptly surrounded it with industrial developments and housing (having dropped plans for a university dedicated to studies of Eastern culture; things could have been very different and much for the better if that lot had come to pass and stuck around).

I took this picture in the car park of the building next door where TSM was dropping off some donated goods. Nice shot through the trees. We had walked there to try and get some steps in, became absorbed in conversation and then ended up going around in a circle. All good exercise. We then found the house George Bernard Shaw lived in which I never knew about. Apparently he worked in a large pagoda like attic structure (see extra).

Good day although we both had an hour's work to do in the afternoon and then got frustrated trying to find cookers and fridges to buy. The internet can be very frustrating. Too much choice, too much information and not enough advice and guidance. We decided to go to John Lewis in Kingston next week when they re-open after Lockdown Mk II (the Edinburgh branch is open tomorrow but that's a bit of a fag).

Big Sis rang this afternoon and we had a long chat. She said she now had thighs with rocks in. Or maybe it was thyroxin. You know what old people are like when they get on the phone. When we are together we have a real problem as we both have a deaf left ear, so can only trot along side by side if one of us walks backwards. 

Have done nearly fourteen thousand steps today so feeling quite virtuous. Getting lost on a journey to the east clearly has health benefits, physical as well as spiritual. 

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