
Thank you for your expressions of concern. Both of us feel better today. I'm glad it was a trifling bug. 

Back in 2005 or 2006 I led a team that worked in South Carolina with another company. It was a wonderful opportunity to bond. It was a wonderful opportunity to expand. By the end of it one of the team bought everyone these ornaments to commemorate our experience. (Also by the end of it a number of employees from the other company reached out to me to see if they could come work with us.)

The news about the storm was quite exciting, involving prospects for hail, tornados, and waterspouts. I had to look up, "waterspout" and learned it is a tornado over water. It sounded like something that would be attached to the house. 

I don't know if you heard but there was a ten-foot-tall metal monolith discovered in an isolated desert area of Utah, US, just standing there, doing nothing, not at all suspicious. A friend of mine said, "Just in time for the 2020 season finale." The park rangers deliberately didn't tell anyone where it was so people wouldn't go out there and get lost and hurt. This meant that clever people found it on Google satellite images and began going out to see it.

The monolith is now gone, without a trace.

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