jeni and the beans

By themessymama


Playing with bits and bobs while his brother had a traumatic time in the bathroom having his hands cleaned before bed. Bear discovered the big wooden train pieces and was fascinated by them, how they fitted together.

Bean had fallen over on our way home this afternoon and grazed his hands and Steve managed to clean the ouch with a bit of complete misdirection. Clever Steve. Still, it was fairly traumatic by the sound of it.

Took the boys out to get their feet measured this afternoon. Should've worn gloves. Brrrr. (On my hands, not on their feet.) Both of them have gone and grown again, I'm fairly sure they were only measured back in December as well! So they both have new shoes. Bean went first and tried on some shoes that were too hard. Bear tried some on and went off running round the shop with a huge grin on his face! Eventually Bean tried some that were nice and soft (and didn't look like school trainers) and had dinosaurs on, and he too went off round the shop with a big smile on his face. Soooo the thought of trying to convince them that we couldn't buy them today but had to wait til we could ask the grandparents to buy them was not a thought filled with joy so they have been purchased. Grandparents, expect an email...........

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