December has arrived.

Early morning in a corner of the kitchen. My Christmas cactuses are in flower. The orchid is about to bloom, and the other two plants do well in that space, on top of the fridge! They all like it there.
All the plants were gifts except the deep pink flowering cactus.
My dad had one and when he went into Residential Care in 2009. I had been looking after it for him. I brought it here from Lancashire.
Later after he died in 2010 and I had sold the house, after sorting everything out, ( my sister having had a stroke at the age of 56 in 2009 and living in Yorkshire) I kept it going.
When it got too woody and didn’t look as healthy I just rooted a piece of it in another pot of compost.
So this pink flowering one is an offspring of the old one.
That pleases me, and is comforting somehow. I had two lovely parents.
Dad was a widower for 21 years.
The sun is shining now this morning. When I got up at 6.30am the moon was very bright in the western sky.
The washing machine has just finished and I’ve had my breakfast.
Now it really is December I must set to and finish off ordering Christmas gifts to send.
I have already sent two off to London for my nephew’s two children. There is a big box on our dining table with the presents for the grandchildren.
We are still in discussion about whether to post them all or arrange a meeting halfway between us and Bristol to do a swap. (Car boot to car boot!)
Christmas is definitely going to be different this year.
I have some to send to Yorkshire for our two nieces’ children. They have one child each.
We have some cards but haven’t done anything about them yet.
I don’t normally send things so early but the various delivery companies and Royal Mail will no doubt be busier than ever.
It kind of reminds me of the song
“It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas........ “ only this year it looks like it, but it certainly will not feel the same.

Hubby is still asleep.
One thing is certain right now, we will be out for a walk today.

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