Found and lost

A lovely sunny walk today, and Henry found an old tennis ball in the field. Probably belonging to Ghillie, who’s ball obsessed and leaves them all over the place.

He had lots of fun with it, and particularly enjoys the game where I kick it and he chases after it whilst on his long lead. (As there are sheep about, he stays on his lead, even though they were in the top field today).

He insisted on carrying it over the bridge, and then dropped it and it fell into the water and floated away......he was sad, although we do have lots of balls at home. Fortunately he didn’t see it float into the area where he goes to drink, otherwise he might have gone in after it. He generally only paddles (he’s not a swimmer like our last dog Pepper - as a lab cross, they’re well known for their love of water, Pepper used to spend hours swimming).

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