Two steps forward...

By stevvi

Turnstones... I think.

Up early and down to Thorpe Bay as the low tide and sunrise times were both as I like them. I was all set to Blip a standard dawn estuary shot (see boat 2nd extra) when a whole flock (if that’s the right word) of, what I believe are, turnstones took off and did their thing really close to me. To get an idea of how close, or how large, the flock was, at times it stretched larger than my full frame lens at 30mm could capture and the noise of their wings as they swooped and turned was quite something to experience. I was all set up for landscape photography so I would have preferred a different lens than the 15-35mm and the only setting I managed to change was the shutter speed from 1/25 to 1/100 of a second but things came out OK considering, and just being there with the whole thing going on right in front of me for about a minute until they settled elsewhere was astounding. When I get to witness stuff like this I honestly do conclude that sleep is overrated! :)

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