Kath's Journal

By Kathb


Met up with my sister for a short walk and a bit of bird watching today. Because of the poor light, I found it impossible to get any decent shots, which was a shame because we saw many different birds, including nuthatch, goldcrests, a couple of treecreepers, and a kingfisher. 

It's been a stressful couple of weeks for me, but the little things seemed to have caused the biggest headaches. You may recall me mentioning that I had ordered a GoPro camera, so that I can film and take photos whilst out running. Some of you mentioned that they are popular and much sort after. Well mine managed to make it all the way to the local depot before disappearing from the face of the earth. Delivery driver swears it wasn't on his van even though it was scanned out.. I am having difficulty getting my money back from GoPro, and at the moment I'm  £350 out of pocket. Not the end of the world, but it's my 350 quid and it's looking like someone's got my camera. It's also looking like I will have to make a claim under section 75 on my credit card. Never had to do that before. 

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