Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

So, I sent my application/request for a practice half time, in the Botanical garden yesterday evening. Today I got the reply that they unfortunately can't take in people doing practice. I got a little bit sad, to be honest, but I wrote a thank you and asked if they could keep me in mind should ever a 50% position turn up. I got a kind reply back that they should do that. So, not so much hope, but not a final negative answer. I will write a thank you tomorrow, because I think it was such a kind response to my last question. They could've just said sorry no such position will be available. 
Well, what to do when it's dark and grey outside and the spirit is low? I got a seed order in the post box today! Planning for next season always lifts my spirit! And, I got a gift with my order! A package of summer carrot seeds. So much fun! This is a fraction of what I plan to grow, though!
Beans, two kinds, four different zinnias + the one from last year, a perennial, a dahlia and carrots, climbing flowers, sweat peas, tomatoes, cucumbers, aubergine, zucchini... It'll be so much fun when things start to grow! 

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