Historical House

I finally got out of the house today! My back was doing a bit better and I was determined not to miss my art class. I'm glad I pushed myself to get out because being in the house since last Friday was making me nutty! It was freezing today! Teeth chattering cold and windy.
This house was built in the 1930's which to my fellow blippers outside the US probably doesn't sound all that old. Unfortunately in this country we tend to knock things down and rebuild them and when you come across a house that is actually still standing from the 1930's it's a really cool thing!
This house is somewhat of a town landmark since it's located on Main Street and anyone coming off the highways and driving through our town drives past it. You can't miss the multi-color paint job and unique gothic look. I would love to see inside but will have to wait to see if it ever goes on sale and then pretend to be interested to get a tour!!

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