No more flowers here

Today it seemed the right time to finally dispose of the remains of the lovely Thanksgiving flower arrangement sent to me by Tookie.  Once all the foliage was gone, I could see this pretty woven basket.  I'm going to keep it, and thought I'd share it with you.

Today was my trying-to-buy-bath-tissue day.  Despite the fact that there is no shortage, people are hoarding again.  When I did my QFC grocery delivery, none of the six products I ordered were available.  So I tried Safeway and was fortunately able to pick up several packages.  One less thing to worry about.

I came across this video today and laughed out loud at the family love and silliness.  You might want to have a look:
It reminded me of when the girls were young and we would sing and dance and be silly all around the house.

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