
Just waiting now for the cards.

Foggy and/or cloudy.  Here at home, our daily routine went the way it usually goes.  In MNL, the Viking has just had an asthma attack and needs bed rest.  I have the feeling, though, that he does some work whenever he is able.  I'm sure his wife is admonishing him to get the hell back to bed ... hahaha!  I've known her since primary school, she's from the same batch, and she'll put her foot down when she has to.

I finished a MOOC today, on Culture & Cities.  An easy one.  Began last Friday and now it's done.  Next one is on Migration & Cities.  These things teach me a lot, but they are also a distraction.  I should finish this current one by the end of this week.  After that, one last one, the last for this year, and maybe for a while.

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