
By DebKH1

Is that blue sky I see?

I missed my blip yesterday but that wasn't for lack of trying. I was out for a lunchtime run and spotted a lovely skyline to snap, sadly my phone battery died there and then leaving me with no picture and a very quiet run. This did propel me around the field faster than normal but I can't work out if it was the frustration of losing a good photo op or if it was the lack of distraction in my headphones. This picture is from my window, taken this afternoon while working away from home again. Nice to see a bit of blue sky, even if it was fleeting!

My wonderful sis in law posts blips with 3 things she is grateful for and I thought I would give it a go:
Blip membership gift from Hamp5on, thank you so much!
My amazing partner who is working from office so I can use our only desk.
Having a great job, even though I grumble at wfh a lot :)

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