Wide Wednesday - Vehicle

Due to a severe lack of vehicles on our walk, I had given up taking part in today's challenge and was just going to post this view across the old quarry field to Conic Hill and Loch Lomond in the distance.

However, a bicycle is a vehicle, isn't it? A bit cheeky, I know. Sorry.

Both Minty and Pookie had appointments at the vet's this morning. I was hoping (and so was Minty) that he'd be given the all-clear after his injury last week, but no, another two weeks of gentle walks on the lead. Humph!

Pookie was due to be sedated so that she could have some dental treatment, but a test of her failing kidneys showed that it would be dangerous to subject her to sedation, so I was summoned back to take her home... (the tacit implication being) "to die." P and I are agreed that whatever time she has left will be as happy and stress-free as possible.

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