The Market At Wells

We drove over to Wells this morning as we wanted to get some books in Waterstones for Sophie for Christmas.

We also had a stroll around the market stalls seen here with the archway through to the Bishop's Palace at the end and the towers of the Cathedral to the left.

The Crown Inn in the right foreground dates back to 1450 when Bishop Bekynton commissioned the building of a row of houses which were later converted to an inn. In 1695 the Quaker preacher William Penn preached from an upstairs window of The Crown to a crowd of 2000 - 3000 people in the market place below, before being interrupted by a local Constable who arrested him for unlawful assembly. Penn, of course, went on to give his name to Pennsylvania.

We didn't go in The Crown today but I can vouch for the fact that the bar still retains a traditional feel.

This afternoon I finished buying and wrapping presents for Tess's birthday on Friday.

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