
By juanluisml

Walking Along The Beach...

He had been dressed with his new suit and his shoes of gloss. He was dressing of black unpolluted... It rare and stranger, was that was walking along the beach. With one to walk interrupted... Thoughtful... He was like lost... Without course... Probably disoriented... Hypnotized people watched him... Amazed... He was the only person who was not taking swimsuit... in the beach...

(El se había vestido con su traje nuevo y sus zapatos de charol. El vestía de negro impoluto... Lo raro y extraño, era que paseaba por la playa. Con un caminar pausado... Pensativo... El estaba como perdido... Sin rumbo... Quizás desorientado... La gente alucinada lo miraba... Asombrada... Era la única persona que no llevaba bañador... en la playa...)

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