The Pepper Patch

By PepperG

Open Wide

I'm not sure what the theme is for this week's Wide Wednesday challenge. This is an emergency blip and the title of today's journal entry refers to a broken crown, a dentist appointment and - "open wide". I took the pic of the storefront next door as I paced back and forth outside waiting to be called in to the office.

Going to the dentist is always an anxiety producing event for me to start off with (the old farm boy, construction worker, football player is a wimp when it comes to "open wide") but surrounded by the out of control surge of viral infection and the hospitalization rate here in the Sunshine State of Florida, it was the absolute last place I wanted to be.

They've done an excellent job of taking and enforcing precautions though. In addition to the usual questions and taking my temperature ( 97.8 I always run a bit low) when I checked in, they did a blood oxygen reading (98%) too.

Reassured a bit, the risk of a full blown "get me out of here" panic attack was gone, replaced by my usual white knuckles. When I left I had a temporary crown, a plan to wait a bit for my next appointment to finish the work, and my WW blip. It could have been worse.

Take it easy folks. Be safe. Be kind. Care ... and the adventure through the viewfinder continues.

* apparently the ww theme is vehicles. Maybe the reflection in the plate glass will count.

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