Pulls Ferry, Norwich

Just to prove I managed to make it back to Norwich. We had practically no sleep last night. Got back from the hospital and went to bed at about 2am. Then at 4am the hospital rang (which is what happened last time) and both mum and I spoke to them. Going over all the same questions and info given to the ambulance staff, and what happened last time (surely they have that info from 2 weeks ago?) So back to bed about 4.30 and definitely heard the clock dong 5. Then woke at 8 and slowly got myself together.

Mum rang the hospital and they said dad was still waiting to be seen by a consultant but would be transferred to a ward. Then at 11, just as I was about to leave, they rang again, and a Dr who I really struggled to understand, his accent was so strong, asked all the same questions I feel I've relayed a zillion times over the past couple of weeks.

I left in the rain with a very full car, on my 2 and half hour drive back to Norwich. Arrived early for my hospital appointment and was happy to wait in the car, but they fitted me in early, so I was done by 1.45 and at Riverside shopping by 2pm. A bit of time in Hobbycraft and Next, then heading home in the dusk when I pulled over to take in this scene and take a photo of one of Norwich's iconic sites. My extra is the photo taken 100 years ago by my grandfather. Only my 3rd visit through Norwich since March.

So lovely to be home for a few days. My lovely family have put up the new bargain tree I bought in the January sales, and decorated the lounge. It looks lovely. 4 new big special baubles which they bought and are quite proud of which I had to spot!

I fell asleep on the sofa for a couple of hours and woke to a lovely dinner of salmon and couscous made by Mollie.

I haven't moved since. Have heard from Manda who says dad has been moved to Winter Ward. I think he will get the best care, and mum can relax and get some much needed sleep.

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