Between a Rock and a Horn Place...

or...Bad Grandpa #12. 

Merrick wanted to "surf" on a goat. I knew he wasn't supposed to be on the other side of the fence, but...there was no one else around, and I thought it might be good for a show. A kid on a kid, Thursday morn on the horn, he might go bam-bam on a ram.

I helped him over the fence, and he stayed on the goat for 5.5 seconds. (He needed 8 seconds for it to be an official ride.)

Lisa is in the hospital for day two. I think she had a better day, but she is not going anywhere. Since I can't even visit her, I did take up a "care" package, with some of her essentials and a few snacks.

Don't believe any of the Bad Grandpa story. The goat posed, Merrick posed, and then it's Photoshop magic.

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