Bee Happy
with what yuve got
Because when you think about it, yuve gotta lot
You have your own good self
A beating heart
A ready smile (if you choose to crack one)
A warm coat
A bowl of stew (if you choose to make it)
A log for the fire to keep your tootsies toasty
And a few bob to jangle in your pocket
After a frosty swim in a choppy sea, I am now enjoying a fine breakfast... local free range eggs from Margaret’s hens, nutty brown bread (made by me with my secret ingredient molasses ooops secret’s out) and salty Glenstal butter. And the coffee is not homegrown - it’s italian.
I tried to upload first part of this blip on the beach, but Blip said no. Glad to see y’all back. Thanks to admins
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