First decoration.

I got to 6o’clock and realised I’d not thought about taking a blip pic so.......

This is always the first Christmas decoration I get out. It sits on my kitchen windowsill, I love the way the reflection looks like flames on the plain blind.

Kiri continues to improve very slowly, although her rear end keeps giving way, but each day we see a small improvement.

I’ve made a start on putting together my Christmas cards. They printed up much darker than I’d hoped, so will have to use glitter to lift them a bit. I need to get some biodegradable glitter.

Went to see my friend Marguerite this afternoon, she lost her husband 6 months ago so although I know I wasn’t really allowed we kept our distance, and it was good to chat and have a laugh at life. She’ll be 81 on Boxing Day, but nothing about her says ‘old’.

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