The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Social(ly Distant) Butterfly

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

It had a very lovely sociable day - chatted with you LTJ and marvelled that for the first time in ages, your Christmas parcels have all arrived. Before Christmas! I think it’s because we fooled the mail goblins by introducing a middle man. Watch out O’H Dear, they will take their revenge. Don’t expect any post for the next 6 months!

I went for a walk with Kitty Cat later this morning and then another one with The Explorer this afternoon. Neither walk was dry but I was particularly impressed that The Explorer ventured out as it was absolutely torrential. I think she is still demob happy after 2 weeks of self isolation. Wild horses wouldn’t have dragged me out if it hadn’t been for Murphy. He scoffs at met office warnings of rain!

I used to recharge my batteries by having cave time away from people. The reverse is true at the moment.


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