Busy day

I’ve been writing out some cards, that I made a few weeks back. I also made and will freeze my Christmas Day stuffing. Hubby went to get the tree and is now decorating it. I’ve also washed my bargain Christmas quilt, I’ll blip it soon. So all in all a very productive day.
In other news: I just had a call from my brother from Southampton Cardiac ICU, bless him, he was upbeat, he’s finished the book we ordered directly to him from Amazon and now they have found him a couple of books so he is starting on one of them. Except for the nurses, doctors and cleaner he hasn’t seen anybody, so pretty lonely. He’s been there since 15/16 November. He is expecting his operation next week now next Tuesday or Thursday depending on how he is, but with recovery and 2 week isolation when he gets back home, it’s going to be a long haul. At least when he’s home it will be easier, re TV, computer, books, and washing (he only expected to be there a week or so) and his phone is barely working. so that is his update.

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