A Day Worth Recording

By Cheeseminer


There is no succinct way I can explain all the background behind this image and its title, so just smile knowingly and move on.

Long busy day at work today as we reached an internal milestone. Didn't get out at lunchtime at all which is rare.

Back home, late, finding Cupcake not quite as prepared cooking-wise as had perhaps been intended - i.e. just going out to Waitrose. Still, later we had two excellent home-made pizzas.

A strange evening with nothing actually scheduled in the diary, so we settled down to watch another film from the college library - The Pianist. I'd no idea what to expect, except perhaps a piano, though from the opening scenes it was clear this wasn't going to be pretty. Powerful film, but for me Schindler's List has the edge on portraying that time more convincingly.

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