Cantu les díes fuxios
Even though the weather was pretty dire, I decided to wrap up and go out for a walk.
The rain held off to start with so I walked right the way around the bay, passing by the sculpture 'The Mother of the Emigrant' by artist Ramón Muriedas Mazorra, recalling emigration from Asturias. It is popularly known locally as 'La Lloca' (the crazy woman) because of her gaunt, bedraggled appearance.
I finished at the marble sculpture (extra). The work is called 'Cantu les díes fuxios', in its original Asturian (Bable), which means something like 'tale of days fled'.
By the artist Adolfo Manzano, it represents the memory of little everyday things from days that have fled into our pasts. What could be more everyday that the plates that we have eaten from. My photo shows five, but there are nine blocks in all.
I like it; but if the art doesn't rock your boat, then they provide a nice place to sit and contemplate the sea. At least when it's not raining.
Then of course it started to rain and continued to do so for most of the the return leg home.
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