
Today's the day ………………..... to see Santa

A very cold and frosty morning - but we were up with the lark and off out because we had a rendez-vous with someone important.

We started off with a full Scottish breakfast - with the elves - which was delicious.  When I say 'we', I mean Tessa, Josie, Rob and Anna who had met up with us at Ernespie Farm.  Then we went off for a personal visit with Santa Claus himself.  By necessity, Santa had to keep a social distance away - but he did his best to be jolly, and gave both the girls a present to take away.  Josie bonded with an 'Olaf'-look-alike in the corner (see extra).

Then there was just time to go and see the reindeer and give them a carrot or two before it was time to go.  Lots of fun had by all .....................!

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