The Adventures of Emilia

By Emilias_mummy


We made it to Scotland in one piece, I was a very very good girl in the car, I was happy and smiley, loved all the christmas lights at the services and slept most of the time in the car, although the last few hours were a bit tough, because I wanted to lie on my tummy and you cant do that in a car seat!

But.. it was all worth it to wake up at granny and grandads and more importantly Rosie's house! She kept giving me lots of kisses and so I just licked her straight back, she seemed to like that a lot so I think we will get on fine these few weeks!

My favourite thing today was learning to climb up the stairs really really fast , and slide down the stairs on my belly! One of the times papa took this photo and mummy laughed a lot at the love heart shadow under my bum!

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