"That's weird"

Says MrsW at today's blip. 
The kitchen installers came today and have made a great start on the preliminary work. At about 10am one of the installers called out "There's a bloke out the front with a dog". A dog? I thought, I don't want a dog. Then it occurred to me that it must be Jeff. Jeff walks his old mother's labradoodle down by the river and we often stop and talk over the comings and goings of river life. 
"I found these", he says, "and I thought of you as you know about wild life". "Do I?" I say as I watch him pull two claws out of his pocket. 
"That was all there was. There wasn't any body so I'm not sure what they belong to. I reckon the otter might have had whatever it was but they were right down by the bridge and I don't think the otter goes down there. Anyway maybe you could use them for your photograph." He says, dangling them in front of me as if he expects me to get the camera and photograph them there and then. 
"I can't right now" I say, "As I'm dealing with some guys who are demolishing the kitchen". 
"That's nice" he says. 
"I think they're going to put a new one in when that's done" I say. 
"Even nicer" he says. "Tell you what, have them and photograph them later" he says plonking the claws in my hand. Then he hesitates "Actually I'll keep one as I've got a letter from the Environment Agency at home asking if I could report anything strange that turns up by the river". 
"I hope you haven't included me in any reports" I say. 
Saying goodbye he heads off to return his mother's labradoodle while I stand with holding the claw thinking it may be best not to let the kitchen installers see me enter the house with the claw in my hand. After all I would like them to return tomorrow. 
After consulting Google I've come to the conclusion that it is probably the claw of the North American Signal Crayfish, a non native species which is prevalent in the Great Ouse.   

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