Shadow Play
For MonoMonday. There were no outdoor shadows today as it after the sun came up it was all clouds. So a little play with light inside.
Received the package with the family Christmas PJs and they were a disappointment. Going to try to return them as I've found others that I like better. The first ones were 95% polyester (not soft or warm) and then I found the 100% cotton. Hoping I can get a refund on the first.
Otherwise, not much happening. Ben will go to his 90 day program tomorrow and I'm hoping it will be structured and helpful. The transitional living place has been absent of any programs or structure. Fortunately, he has used his time pretty wisely with working out, reading and meetings as well as getting a sponsor. There has also been a lot of late night TV and sleeping late. Keeping hope alive for the next phase.
Thanks to carolinav for hosting this week.
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