Change in the weather

The weather's not as bad as I thought it would be today - just dull, dank and cold! I haven't been out at all, or not beyond the garden anyway. Spent a lot of time at the computer, getting all the images together for our latest Photo Club competition and sending them off to the judge. Obviously the judges can't visit at the moment so they email me back the scores and comments in due course and we load these on to our private Club Flickr page for the members to see. 

Today was the day for our weekly delivery from Go Naked Veg - we still have a weekly delivery even tho' they've now opened a shop in Oban. So it seemed quite a colourful subject for a Blip. I don't know what's in the bags - I haven't looked yet!

I spent a boss-eyed hour this afternoon with my pots of the gesneriad Seemannia nematanthodes 'Evita'. Now the plants have died down I had to take the rootballs apart and pick out all the little flaky tubers, to store until it's time to plant them again in the spring. I suspect there will be plenty to give away.

Limerick of the Day:

An ivory sleuth from Harare
Planned to collar some crooks on safari.
But he was no Columbo
And drove into a jumbo,
Which sat on his trunk in Malawi.

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