Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

I never take selfies!

Well, hardly ever.

Claire, my lovely hairdresser, came this morning and cut my hair. The layers have still not all grown out, despite letting it grow from March onwards. She had seen my photo on Facebook and was horrified because one side of my hair "stuck off"! I thought it looked fine. I had to promise to take a new photo of the new haircut.

This is a phone image taken in our upstairs kitchen. You can see part of Margret (next door's) house behind me.

Claire also helped me with my fancy dress for the photo group Christmas party and gave me tips for cooking Christmas dinner. What a star!

It was very wet so I did not go out today. 

I've worked on a selection of images to send instead of Christmas cards.

We watched Uni Challenge and Only Connect this afternoon and enjoyed both.

Then there was a discussion from the British Museum about the importance of memory in exile. We saw some of this before the SheClick webinar entitled "From Content to Fine Art". The speaker was Janet Haines. She was very down to earth as well as producing stunning images.

The talk was broadcast simultaneously on Zoom and Facebook. When the fine art nudes appeared, Facebook stopped the broadcast. Zoom continued unhindered. It's not my cup of tea but I didn't think there was anything offensive shown.

Oscar had a personal best for sitting beside me and being stroked tonight. It was easily more than 10 minutes and he was very relaxed.

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