Holiday Color

The colorful leaves are gone; replaced by Christmas decorations. Do you suppose this place felt so much depended on the red scooter?
I think someone should keep me away from silent auctions. At one, about ten years ago, I ended up winning a bunch of motorcycle equipment that I didn't intend to win. Longish story. At another, I won a basketball autographed by all the Portland Trailblazers for that particular year. I still have the basketball; anyone want it? On Saturday I took part in another one. We'd been gone all day getting firewood, so I didn't have much time to participate, and I was tired, so let me use that as my excuse. At this auction, I bid on and won a pair of Adidas shoes. When I made the bid, I thought, why not, I could use a new pair of sneakers, but it turned out I wasn't bidding on a certificate for a new pair of shoes, I bid on a size 10 pair of shoes. Teach me to read the fine print. In all cases, my bidding was meant to benefit a non-profit, and that's really what happened; they benefitted and I ended up with a lot of stuff. 

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