Windmill 'Sint Jan', Oerle

'Sint Jan' = 'Saint John'
'Oerle' sounds like 'OOR-luh'

Slept at around 03.15 or thereabouts and was magically awake at 08.00, and it was a really good night's sleep, for a change.  How weird is that?!?

In fact, I felt so good and the weather looked glorious, so I had one cup of tea and off I went.  After what I learned of the route from Vessem last time, I decided to go to Oerle by driving cross-country.  The motorway is always nearby anyway, but the back roads can be so much fun.  Of course I Google mapped before I left.  Very good brain training, I think.  On all my day trips, local or abroad to France, Belgium, or Germany, I've managed to memorize the route and imprint it in my head, and this practice has given me a fab sense of direction, which is always good for my adventures... haha!

Oerle is only about 15 or 20 minutes away from Vessem, if you're driving at 60 kph, and is only a stone's throw away from Veldhoven, which is just across the A2 from Eindhoven, so all in the area.  Tagged this location now as well.  There's a little extra you might also like to see, and I had so much fun shooting the cuteys.

Back before lunch, so more time for other things.  While I was away, AW went to the dentist to fit, and pick up, his new dentures, and when I got home I was greeted with a huge smile!  Yaaayyyyy!  You will see it one of these days.

In the course of the afternoon, took a nap, and while I was 'out' upstairs, my order of seasonal cards arrived.  The evening was spent writing addresses and affixing stamps, so that is done.  All foreign mail will be out of the door by tomorrow, which I think is just in time.  The last MOOC for this year, and for a long while, is going well.  It's only a 2-week course and I'm done with week 1.  The rest should be finished by the end of the week.  It's actually on Migration, Mobilities, and Citizenship, which is rather apt because 32 years ago this week, I was done with my suitcase and handcarry, saying goodbye to friends, and making sure I'd not forgotten anything ... in preparation for that huge move to The Netherlands, the most important turning point in my life.

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