Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Snow Day!

It's always a good day when I can shoot birds in the snow.  Even if it means getting numb toes while lurking in the hide.  Hubs and I were just finishing a late breakfast when I saw the snow start which triggered a search for my down winter parka and gloves.  And then off to the hide where I spent an hour or so in a state of blissful escape from the world.  

I kind of randomly chose this shot mainly because I haven't blipped a Red-bellied Woodpecker in a while.  Plus I love the snowflakes in the shot.  And I put five other shots that I especially liked on Flickr, starting HERE.  I think the first one would make a great holiday card.

I'm getting ready for a conference call shortly with an insurance broker who is going to walk me through the options for Medicare supplemental insurance.  I go on Medicare on January 1 (gulp) so time to get this wrapped up.  I guess this means that I am officially old now.

I dipped into the news this morning before the snow started which was probably a mistake.  I am still just shocked at the fact that so many people don't correlate their actions to the rise in hospitalizations.  It mystifies me that seemingly well-educated people don't feel as if their behavior has any impact on the rise in Covid cases.  What am I missing here?

Stay safe.  Be kind.  Eat chocolate!


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