Health and Safety

I've mentioned here previously with some frustration; the near obsessive pre-occupation some organisations have with health and safety paperwork.
They are more intersted in the paperwork than any real understanding of what is happening on site and can be left satisfied with a submission when the most obvious hazards are not mentioned. I recall one large energy firm producing a 100 page booklet about safety on a Highland wind farm site without making any reference to ticks and lyme disease.

My current generic document does not specifically mention the risk of a parachutist landing on your head. I was working in a small forest clearing near here about 12 years ago and I clearly recall another parachutist alighting just a few paces from where we were working. I didn't see him until he appeared at tree top level back then.

Just be careful how you go and be aware a parachutist could drop on top of you at any time.   

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