Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Art reflects life

We’ve had this picture on our wall for some 15 years now, and the older I get the more I like it. It’s a poster for a festival that David Hockney adapted from one of his existing paintings. We bought it in the gallery at salt mill in Saltaire back in 2005; this place has a strong association with Hockney. It looks particularly lovely at this time of year because it reflects the Christmas tree lights. 

I had a long and winding day in the home office but started to feel ill in the afternoon so cancelled my last meeting of the day and curled up on the bed at 3:30. Felt better after an hour and a half asleep and went back to work until 7 o’clock.

TSM looked really cool today in baggy trousers, pink top and furry slippers. I wanted to blip her and tried a few poses but her karma was all out of whack after another day of work on the mass vaccination programme. No-one who isn’t close to it will appreciate what a huge deal it is. So much work. Her and her colleagues are working their butts off. 

Hoping for a better day tomorrow.

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