Not real....

The "real" photo is in the Extra Photos. The sky is overcast much of the time around here and the sky is the background when I shoot the eagles in the tree outback. So most of the time it is white, It has been suggested to me that they would look better with some clouds.  As many of you know I am slowing learning photoshop watching tutorials etc.  Today I was trying to figure out the masking and adding in another photo....when I happened across "sky replacement" in the edit menu, about three clicks later this is what I had!  Now I don't think I feel comfortable posting this on instagram when this isn't what I really took, but my amazement at what photoshop did basically on it's own, is why I posted this.

Other than this photo, I spent the entire morning at my parents, helping my Dad with a phone interview regarding mom's care, it was a good call and we learned some very important steps to take, and a medical necklace for her to call for help is on it's way.

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