...wORds bE fEW

By tnahlyn

A Work of LOVE

This is our Valentine's Day collaborative plate. It isn't what I thought. He likes it, but what I really liked about it is that we did it together. A work of art that is our work of LOVE. Many years of hard times and frustration, counseling and blood, sweat and tears. The joy comes in the morning. Up from the ashes we rise. We shed off our old selves and clothe ourselves in grace, love and acceptance. We learn to love and be loved. I saw a cake on pintrest, yes, two pintrest references in two days, but it spoke volumes to me....I found it!!! From the get-go, it should be this....a beautiful cake, from two different perspectives, merged for the sake of LOVE! It doesn't get any better than that!!!

Cheers...to many years of love!!!

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