People on a Bridge

By zerohour


Our tree is up, and keeps me company as I work at home. I am also playing jazzy Christmas music, quietly, or loudly, as circumstances permit. And yet, I still commonly feel the sense of 2020 dread. The "elections" will drag on till January 6, till the electors votes are officially counted  and it is anybody guess what nonsense we will have to endure before and after.

I was so excited to see the cool folks get vaccinated in the UK! You go, UK. The joy was a bit selfishly bitter- sweet. As someone who has suffered a past anaphylaxis, I may be unable to get the Pfizer's covid vaccine, at least based on today's findings in the UK. As you can well imagine, this was not a welcomed news. Hopefully more will be known about the situation soon.

Made tiny strides on some work tasks. I move like a fly in molasses.

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