My robin

The big fat black cat was in my garden when I looked out of the window just before coming downstairs. It has got crafty hiding under the bench. As I opened the back door it shot off, then as I neared it with the water spray it climbed the fence and went into its own garden, I sprayed so it knew I meant business!! I sprayed some 'cat get lost' under and on the. bench hopefully it will deter it. A few minutes later I spotted the blackbird and then the robin. I also saw the wren today. 
I have set up the little camera on a tripod on the kitchen windowsill. Most of the photos I'm too late to get a good photo so I thought I would try something different, hence this photo which is SOOC. I really like it.
I went to Ormskirk for the first time since March, I was getting some Christmas charity bits from a friend. The market was on but I didn't hang around just went in 2 shops and got what I wanted.
I went for a nice long muddy walk by the canal this afternoon, although it was grey and cold I enjoyed it and taking lots of photos with the little zoom camera, having to delete most but trying various settings. I want it just right when I see the kingfisher again! Plenty of turquoise but all rubbish.

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