Zilster Mill, Zeelst district, Veldhoven

'Zeelst' sounds like 'ZAYlst'.

Cloud in the morning but the sun broke through in the afternoon, so of course I had to take advantage of that.  One never knows these days when another opportunity will come by.  To get there, I used the route to Vessem and Oerle, so this is the third one within a few kilometers.  It always feels good to familiarize oneself with a certain area, so that is a new bit of the country that I've come to know.  Every bit helps.  Always.

From midnight last night to 05.30, I was online for a ZOOM meeting at one of the district courts in MNL.  The session actually began at around 02.30 and Doña sent me the link so that I could join.  She herself was there, and the Viking was there as well, and we waited until it was our turn, as we were #14 on the roll, but video conferencing when the Internet is not good... is not good.  After case #7, by which time it was already around 05.15, the judge said he would cancel the rest of the cases, with apologies to all those present, because we all just could not go on this way, with conversations cut in half due to poor reception, many of those present having had to repeat what they'd already said, including the judge.  It is very hard to make official decisions this way.  However, just before we all parted ways, I looked at the Viking on my screen and decided to send him a last-minute request, and perhaps he could insert it just before the judge left?  Some of the other lawyers were already doing this, so no harm in trying.  AW's phone nearby, sent him a message with WhatsApp.  Indeed, I watched as the Viking read my message then raised his hand and was acknowledged, and lo and behold, our request was granted!  So, even without the hearing as we had planned, we still managed -- three hours of waiting for five minutes.  Worth it?  Considering the circumstances, yes.  Because now we can move forward again with the next steps.

Needless to say, shortly after signing off, I crashed into bed and was totally out till about 11.00.  In the evening, shortly after AW was done with his Thursday online bridge session, I bid him good night again.  An inordinately long day that went well after all.

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